About the OpenBridge application UI design guidelines

OpenBridge user interface design guideline is a designresource enabling safe and consistent workplace design across ships.

Inconsistent design across the many systems people use onships is a major challenge in current maritime industry that lead to humanerror, loss in efficiency and inefficient training. OpenBridge solves thisproblem by introducing clear and easy to use design guidelines built onexisting standards from the web industries adapted to the Ocean Industries.

Our goal is to enable state of the art, safe, user friendlyand consistent maritime workplaces at a reduced cost.


Design philosophy


Streamlined compliance to maritime regulation 

It is voluntary for developer to use the OpenBridge designguideline and it is not currently part of any maritime regulation. Instead, westrive to make the guideline compliant with existing maritime regulation fordesign of maritime workplaces. Our intention is to streamline design ofapprovable user interfaces by making sure that workplaces following OpenBridgedesign guidelines will also be compliant with current user interface relatedregulation. 

User Interface Architecture

OpenBridge aims to allow multiple actors to deliver userinterface designs built on the same principles in order to secure consistentuser experiences across an entire workplace and across all OpenBridge compliantsystems. In order to do so, OpenBridge is built on an workplace architecturethat regulate the relations between the workplace and applications operatorscan access in the workplace. We divide the workplace in three main components:

Workplace hardware

All hardware that make up the workplace is consideredworkplace hardware. This include workplace consoles, chairs and other equipmentsupporting human operation. In addition it cover all technologies supportinguser interfaces, such as screens, buttons, levers and generic interactiondevices such as mouse and roller ball. Current versions of Open Bridge hasno hardware related guidelines. 


Integration system

Global functionality shared between applications anddefinitions of how applications are used through the workplace hardware aregoverned through the integration system. The integration guideline lays out howto design the integration system in order for it to be able to host OpenBridgecompliant applications. 



All systems are mediated to the users through applicationswith user interfaces. OpenBridge offer guidelines for how these applicationshould be designed in order to function well on all workplaces hardware inOpenBridge compliant ship bridges. Applications will be designed to scale toany workplace form factor. The applications design guidelines lays out how todesign OpenBride applications in order to work on an OpenBridge compliant shipsbridge. 


How to use this guideline

This document present OpenBridge user interface designguidelines. The target audience is user interface designers and the currentdocument are limited to design of graphical user interfaces related to genericapplication and integration systems.